
Command Line Interface

CLI gives you multiple ways to interact with and configure your projects. With the command-line interface (CLI) you can interact with the platform using a terminal, or through an automated system, enabling you to retrieve logs, manage certificates, replicate your deployment environment locally, manage Domain Name System (DNS) records, and more.

This page contains a complete list of all CLI commands available, alongside their optional parameters for additional behavior, as well as a complete list of configuration options to configure your project through cli.json.

If you'd like to interface with the platform programmatically, check out the REST API documentation.

Installing the CLI #

To download and install CLI, run the following command:

npm i -g docscli

Note: You can also install CLI inside a project (instead of globally)

All commands and options are listed in the following categories:

CommandsA list of commands from Vercel CLI.
OptionsAdditional options for Vercel CLI commands.

The cli command is used to deploy projects and can be used from either the root of the project directory or by providing a path to it.

Basic usage #

Using the cli command from the root of a project directory.

Standard output usage #

Using the cli command to deploy and write stdout to a text file. When deploying, stdout is always the Deployment URL.

Project linking #

When running cli in a directory for the first time, CLI needs to know which scope and Project you want to deploy your directory to. You can choose to either link an existing project or to create a new one.

Linking an existing project when running Vercel CLI in a new directory.

Once set up, a new .cli directory will be added to your directory. The .cli directory contains both the organization and project id of your project. If you want unlink your directory, you can remove the .cli directory.

You can use the --confirm to skip these questions.

Framework detection #

When you create a new project, CLI will automatically detect the framework you are using and offer default project settings accordingly.

Creating a new project with the cli command.

When creating a new project, you will be provided with default Build Command, Output Directory, and Development Command options.

You can continue with the default project settings or overwrite them. You can also edit your project settings later in your project dashboard.

Global options #

Global options are commonly available to use with multiple CLI commands.

Current Working Directory #

The --cwd option can be used to provide a working directory (that can be different from the current directory) when running CLI commands.

This option can be a relative or absolute path.

Usage Example #

docscli --cwd ~/path-to/project

Using the cli command with the --cwd option.

Debug #

The --debug option, shorthand -d, can be used to provide a more verbose output when running CLI commands.